Professional Security Experience
- Retired Louisiana State Trooper
- 3 years in LSP Patrol
- 2 years LSP Bureau of Investigations
- 8 years LSP Public Information Officer
- 11 years as LSP SWAT Operator
- 9 years as a Counter Sniper
- 12 years POST Firearms Instructor
- Lifetime Triathlete
Pierrelee has spent more than 13 years training law enforcement officers, security guards, and private citizens in how to manage Use of Force encounters within the ethical, moral, and legal rules of engagement. He credits his enthusiasm for scenario-based Use of Force training to the lessons he learned as an LSP SWAT operator, and to the years spent teaching and learning under the talented instructors within the Louisiana State Police, FBI, military, and other great law enforcement agencies around the country. After earning a Bachelors degree in Education from Louisiana Tech and prior to becoming a trooper, Pierrelee taught Physical Science for Louisiana Public Schools.